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Ground // Glow

Canadian Abstraction

February 18- March 29, 2025
Artist talk & reception: Saturday March 22,  2-4 pm

Abstraction, by its nature, resists a fixed narrative, instead offering a space for intuitive engagement allowing for memory and perception to shape individual interpretations. Through shifts in transparency, bold gestures, and subtle gradations of color, the works in this exhibition reveal how perception itself is in constant flux.


Ground // Glow showcases contemporary Canadian abstract artists exploring the dynamic interplay between material and meaning. Featured artists engage with abstraction through paint, clay, glass, and textiles, alongside experimental mixed-media approaches incorporating acrylic plexiglass, custom bio-paint, hot wax, sand, and dance. These works demonstrate how materiality interacts with light and space, transforming the environment and constructing new visual and emotional experiences.


Some pieces capture a sense of movement and transformation, while others create moments of stillness and contemplation, drawing attention to the ways light and material shape our experience of the world.


By bridging formal traditions with experimental techniques, this exhibition invites viewers to explore the intangible aspects of seeing and feeling—where meaning is not imposed but discovered through interaction. Here, abstraction transcends aesthetics, becoming an encounter with time, space, and the shifting relationship between artwork and observer.


Artists include:  Dania Al- Obaidi, Em McDonald, Heidi McKenzie, Heather Ruthig, Vicky Talwar, Dori Vanderheyden, Jan Wheeler, Susan Wood.  Lower Gallery: Sarah Carlson, Christopher Cape, Lisa Johnson, Vin Singh, Leah Wells

Installation images and indivdual artworks: 
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© Micak Contemporary Art Gallery 2025

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